

National Injury Prevention Day is Here!

4 min read  |  November 15, 2021  | 

Written by Adriana Baez, M.D./J.D. candidate at the Miller School of Medicine, with Julie Belkowitz, M.D., M.P.H.,
Lyse Deus, Oneith Cadiz, M.D.

Thank you for participating in the second annual National Injury Prevention Day! The Injury Free Coalition for Kids and other injury prevention organizations across the country have teamed together to provide you, our county’s parents, with information about the dangers of child injury. Today, we work together in inspiring a need for change.

Injuries remain the leading cause of death and disability to U.S. children from 1 to 18 years of age. From bicycle-related incidents to falls, an estimated 7,000 children and teens died because of unintentional injuries in 2019. While this number has decreased in the past years, largely due to the spread of information and awareness on child safety, there has been a rise in certain causes of injury, such as suffocation, motor vehicle crashes, and poisoning. Importantly, these causes of injuries disproportionately affect families of color and minority groups. It is time to start changing those statistics, and we know exactly how you can help!

Join the conversation

Have a computer or smartphone?  Jackson Health System and the Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Miami will be hosting a conversation on Instagram Live with Dr. Chad Thorson, Assistant Professor of Surgery, DeWitt Daughtry Family Department of Surgery in the Division of Pediatric Surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.  Please join us at 6 pm on November 18.  Join here.

Also, our national partner, the Injury-free Coalition for Kids is hosting a 1-hour Twitter live chat on November 18th at 1:00 pm EST. Join the conversation by using the hashtag #BeInjuryFree to learn more about how you can play a role in preventing injuries. Chat with professionals and other parents and share your thoughts with the community. Click here for more information.

Shine a green light

Lots of organizations across the country are joining together on November 18th and shining a green light on local buildings and monuments.  Locally, the Diagnostic Treatment Center (DTC) and Jackson Memorial Hospital will light its foyer green to shine a light on injury prevention in our own community.

Participate in your Miami community

Find out what Miami is doing to protect its children:

  • The Injury Free Coalition for Kids Injury-Free Miami of Miami at Jackson Health System and University of Miami Health System have created educational programs to create safer living spaces for children. Programs include home safety, water safety, passenger safety, fire safety, and more. Programs are offered in English, Spanish, and Creole. Find more information at org.
  • BikeSafe: BikeSafe is a program from the University of Miami KiDZ Neuroscience Center, part of the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. Dedicated to preventing brain and spinal cord injuries as a result of bicycle-related accidents, BikeSafe provides educational curriculums in schools and parks. Click here for more information.
  • WalkSafe: WalkSafe is another program from the University of Miami KiDZ Neuroscience Center, part of the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. They provide educational curriculums to schools and also promote safe physical activity for children in Miami. Find more information here.
  • Get the facts: Miami Dade Matters has a lot of great information for parents, including a State-by-State Injury Prevention Report for those interested in learning more.

Happy National Injury Prevention Day from the Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Miami!  We wish you a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season. For more information about how to keep your child safe, call us at the Injury Free Coalition for Kids, a program of the Children’s Trust at 305-243-9080 or visit


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